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Fengshui Taoism Red Sandalwood Bracelet - Calming and Energizing Unique Pterocarpus Hand Chain-风水道教红花梨木手串 - 镇静安神,吸引正能量的独特紫檀手链

Fengshui Taoism Red Sandalwood Bracelet - Calming and Energizing Unique Pterocarpus Hand Chain-风水道教红花梨木手串 - 镇静安神,吸引正能量的独特紫檀手链

Regular price $99.99 USD
Regular price $129.99 USD Sale price $99.99 USD
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红花梨木手串被认为具有镇静安神的功效,能够帮助持有者吸引正能量,保持身心的和谐与平衡。人们相信佩戴此手串可以提升个人的精神修为,带来内心的平静与幸福。此外,猫眼紫檀红花梨木手串还被用作祈求事业顺利、家庭幸福的护身符。 The red sandalwood bracelet is believed to have calming and soothing effects, helping the wearer attract positive energy and maintain harmony and balance of mind and body. People believe that wearing this bracelet can enhance personal spiritual cultivation, bringing inner peace and happiness. Additionally, the cat's eye red sandalwood bracelet is also used as a talisman for career success and family happiness.


我们的猫眼紫檀红花梨木手串采用优质老料精心制作,每一颗珠子都经过严格的筛选和多道工序的打磨,确保其色泽光亮、纹理清晰。我们还会对手串进行开光加持,整个过程预计需要一周左右。加持结束后,我们会以红布包裹,并为您提供加持过程的照片。 Our cat's eye red sandalwood bracelet is meticulously crafted using high-quality old materials. Each bead is carefully selected and polished through multiple processes to ensure its bright color and clear texture. We also perform a consecration ceremony on the bracelet, which takes about a week. After the ceremony, the bracelet is wrapped in red cloth, and we provide photos of the consecration process via email.


  • 猫眼紫檀红花梨木手串
  • 红布
  • 开光照片(电子邮件发送)
  • Cat's Eye Red Sandalwood Bracelet
  • Red Cloth
  • Consecration Photos (sent via email)


崇江道长为全真龙门派第26代弟子。道场位于中国陕西省西安市终南山朝阳宫。擅长:玄空三合阴阳宅风水,奇门遁甲,六爻预测,四柱八字,梅山符箓,还阴债,补财库等。 Master Chongjiang is a 26th-generation disciple of the Quanzhen Longmen Sect. His temple is located at Chaoyang Palace in Zhongnanshan, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China. He specializes in Feng Shui of Xuan Kong, San He, Yin-Yang houses, Qimen Dunjia, Liu Yao prediction, Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi), Meishan talismans, repaying debts, and replenishing wealth.


您在下单后,我们强烈建议您与我们联系。我们会为您提供咨询,为您解决遇到的问题,并且可以根据您的八字和风水给出建议方案。 After placing your order, we strongly recommend that you contact us. We will provide consultation, address any issues you may encounter, and offer advice based on your Ba Zi and Feng Shui.

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